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10 Emerging Technologies (Part 1)

 10 Emerging Technologies (Part 1)

1. Artifical Intelligence
2. Cybersecurity
3. Robotics
4. Robotics and Automation
5. Automation
6. BioTechnology
7. Blockchain
8. Generative AI
9. Data Science 
10. Gene Technology

Artifical Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, in its broadest sense, is intelligence exhibited by machines, particularly computer systems

The ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans 
Such as
1.The ability to reason
2.Discover meaning
4. Learn from past experience.

Cybersecurity :

The protection of computer systems and information from harm, theft, and unauthorized use.

Computer hardware is typically protected by the same means used to protect other valuable or sensitive equipment
Namely, serial numbers, doors and locks, and alarms. The protection of information and system access, on the other hand, is achieved through other tactics, some of them are quite complex.

Robotics :

Is the interdisciplinary study and practice of the design, construction, operation, and use of Robots.

Within Mechanical Engineering, robotics is the design and construction of the physical structures of robots, while in Computer Science robotics focuses on robotic automation algorithms. 

Other disciplines contributing to robotics include Electrical control, Software, Information, Electronic, Telecommunication, Computer, Mechatronic and Materials Enginnerig.

Robotics and Automation :

Industrial automation and robotics are the use of computers, control systems and information technology to handle industrial processes and machinery, replacing manual labour and improving efficiency, speed, quality and performance.

Well Robotics are considered as better then Automation. 

Automation :

Automation is the application of technology, programs, robotics or processes to achieve outcomes with minimal human input.

Automation is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in the modern world and has countless applications, including: enterprise applications such as Buisness process
 automation (BPA), AIOps and Enterprise Automation, industrial automation applications such as robotics used in automotive manufacturing, and consumer applications such as home automation.



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